
Corporate Information

  • Board Of Directors

    The Board of Directors (“Board”) of Alcom Group Berhad (“AGB”) provides counsel and guides the long-term direction of the Company.

    DATO’ SERI SUBAHAN BIN KAMAL Independent, Non-Executive Chairman, Male, Aged 59
    Dato’ Seri Subahan bin Kamal was appointed to the Board of AGB on 9 August 2018. 

    HEON CHEE SHYONG Non-Independent, President cum Chief Executive Officer, Male, Aged 57
    Heon Chee Shyong was appointed to the Board of AGB on 9 August 2018. Chee Shyong also serves as director in the subsidiaries within the AGB Group, i.e. Aluminium Company of Malaysia Berhad and Alcom Nikkei Specialty Coatings Sdn. Bhd.

    YEOH JIN HOE Non-Independent, Executive Director, Male, Aged 78
    Yeoh Jin Hoe was appointed to the Board of AGB on 9 August 2018. He is the father of Alternate Director, Marc Francis Yeoh Min Chang. He is a major shareholder of AGB.

    GOH TECK HONG Non-Independent, Executive Director, Male, Aged 50
    Goh Teck Hong was appointed to the Board of AGB on 1 March 2022.

    WONG CHOON SHEIN Independent, Non-Executive Director, Male, Aged 74
    Wong Choon Shein was appointed to the Board of AGB on 9 August 2018. He is the Chairperson of the Nomination Committee and a member of the  Remuneration Committee of AGB.

    LAM VOON KEAN Independent, Non-Executive Director, Female, Aged 72
    Lam Voon Kean was appointed to the Board of AGB on 9 August 2018. She is the Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and Remuneration Committee, and a member of the Nomination Committee of AGB.

    DATIN SHELINA BINTI RAZALY WAHI Independent, Non-Executive Director, Female, Aged 51
    Datin Shelina Binti Razaly Wahi was appointed to the Board of AGB on 1 December 2021. She is a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and Nomination Committee of AGB.

    GONG WOOI TEIK Independent, Non-Executive Director, Male, Aged 73
    Gong Wooi Teik was appointed to the Board of AGB on 1 December 2021. He is a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and Remuneration Committee of AGB.

    MARC FRANCIS YEOH MIN CHANG Alternate Director to Yeoh Jin Hoe, Male, Aged 40
    Marc Francis Yeoh Min Chang was appointed as Alternate Director to Yeoh Jin Hoe on 9 August
    2018. Marc Yeoh also serves as a director of AGB’s subsidiary, Alcom Nikkei Specialty Coatings Sdn. Bhd. He is the son of Executive Director and major shareholder, Yeoh Jin Hoe.

  • Board Committees

    The Board of Directors (“Board”) of ALCOM provides counsel and guides the long-term direction of the Company.

    Dato’ Seri Subahan Bin Kamal (Chair)

    Heon Chee Shyong
    Yeoh Jin Hoe
    Goh Teck Hong
    Wong Choon Shein
    Lam Voon Kean
    Datin Shelina Binti Razaly Wahi
    Gong Wooi Teik
    Marc Francis Yeoh Min Chang (Alternate Director to Yeoh Jin Hoe)

    Lam Voon Kean (Chair)

    Datin Shelina Binti Razaly Wahi
    Gong Wooi Teik

    Wong Choon Shein (Chair)

    Datin Shelina Binti Razaly Wahi

    Lam Voon Kean

    Lam Voon Kean (Chair)
    Wong Choon Shein
    Gong Wooi Teik

  • Board Charter
  • Terms Of Reference
  • Remuneration Policy for Directors and Senior Management
  • Code Of Conduct
  • Whistle Blower Protection Code
  • Integrity & Anti Corruption Policy
  • Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy

Financial Information

General Meetings

Investors’ Contact

Looking for more information about ALCOM? We look forward to speaking with you.

Roy Gan
Finance Director

Phone: +603 3346 6224 (DID)
E-mail: roy.gan@alcom.com.my

Lydia Tong
Company Secretary
Phone: +603 7804 8590
E-mail: lydia.tong@alcom.com.my

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